Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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And in a word Athens being stayned with intestine blood-sheds, and grievously discontented with the death of her children; her babes were brought forth, for the sword to glut upon, the bodies of her auncients were made as Pavements to walke upon, her matrones became a prey and prise to every Ravisher, and her Priests and [II. 75.]Sacrificers were slaine before the gates of their Temples.

This City was the Mother & Well-spring of all liberall Arts and Sciences; and the great Cisterne of Europe, whence flowed so many Conduit pipes of learning all where, but now altogether decayed: The circuit of old Athens hath beene according to the fundamentall walles yet extant about sixe Italian miles, but now of no great quantity, nor many dwelling houses therein; being within two hundreth fire houses, having a Castle which formerly was the Temple of Minerva. They have abundance of all things, requisite for the sustenance of humane life, of which I had no small proofe: For these Athenians or Greekes, exceeding kindly banqueted me foure dayes, and furnish’t me with necessary provision for my voyage to Creta. And also transported me by sea in a Brigandine freely, and on their owne charges to Serigo, being 44. miles distant.
