Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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Departing from Argos, upon the seventh day we arrived at Athens.Athens: Athens is still inhabited, standing in the East part of Peloponnesus, neere to the frontiers of Macedon, or Thessaly by the Sea side. It was first called Cecropia: Of one Cecrops the first King thereof, who first founded it, Anno Mundi, 2409. it was after mightily inlarged by Theseus, and well provided with good lawes by Solon, and lastly Athens of Minerva: In whose honour for a long time were celebrate solemne playes, called Panathanaia: Athens is now termed Salenos, and was once the shrill sounding Trumpet of Mars, yeelding more valiant Captaines and Commanders then any City in the World, Rome excepted: It was a custome here, that when any man was growne too wealthy or potent, he was banished thence for ten yeares: This exile was intituled Ostracisme, because his name who was abandoned was written in an Oyster-shell: Great combustions and mutinies have happened betweene Lacedemon, and Athens; at last it was sacked by Lysander, and her Virgin body prostituted to the lust of 30. insulting Tyrants; not long after whose expulsion, it was utterly subdued by the Macedonians.
