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In the time of my abode, at the Village of Capsalo (being a haven for small barkes, and situate below the Castle) the Captaine of that same Fortresse A Priest slaine in a Bordell.kild a Seminary Priest, whom he had found in the night with his whoore in a Brothel-house: for the which sacrilegious murther, the Governour of the Ile deposed the Captaine, and banished him, causing a boate to be prepared to send him to Creta. O! if all the Priests which doe commit incest, adultery, and fornication (yea, and worse, Il peccato carnale contra natura) were thus handled and severely rewarded; what a sea of Sodomiticall irreligious blood would overflow the halfe of Europe, to staine the spotted colour of that Romane Beast. Truely, and yet more, these lascivious Friars are the very Epicures, or off-scourings of the earth; for how oft have I heard them say one to another? Allegre, allegre, mio caro fratello, chi ben mangia, ben beve, &c. That is, Be cheerefull, be cheerefull, deare brother, he that eateth well, drinketh well, he that drinketh well, sleepeth well, he that sleepeth well, sinneth not, and he that sinneth not, goeth straight through Purgatory to Paradize. This is all the care of their living, making their tongues to utter what their hearts do thus prophanely thinke, Ede, bibe, dormi, post mortem nulla voluptas, and as it is well observed of this monachall and licentious life:
