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CAPE ST. VINCENT.—1st Battle.—Admiral Rooke, with 20 ships of war, and the Turkish fleet under his convoy, was attacked by Admiral Tourville with a force vastly superior to his own, off Cape St. Vincent, when 12 English and Dutch men of war and 80 merchantmen were captured or destroyed by the French. It was fought June 15th, 1693.

2nd Battle.—This second battle was one of the most glorious of the British navy. Sir John Jarvis, being in command of the Mediterranean fleet of 15 sail, gave battle to the Spanish fleet of 27 ships of the line, and signally defeated the enemy, nearly double in strength, taking 4 ships and destroying several others. Fought February 14th, 1797. For this victory Sir John Jarvis was raised to the peerage under the title of Earl St. Vincent.

CAPTAIN.—This title, derived from the French capitaine, literally signifies a head or chief officer,—the officer who commands a company. In Turkey, the Captain-Bashaw is the High Admiral.

CARLISLE.—The castle founded by William II, in 1092, was made the prison of the unfortunate Queen of Scots, 1568. Taken by the Parliamentary forces in 1645, and by the Pretender in 1745.
