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CHERBOURG.—Famous for an engagement between the English and French fleets. French defeated; 21 of their ships burnt or destroyed by Admirals Rooke and Russel, May 19th, 1692. The fort, etc., destroyed by the British, who landed August, 1758. The works begun by Louis XVI, and completed by Napoleon, are proof against any armament in the world.

CHESAPEAKE, BATTLE OF THE.—Fought at the mouth of the river of this name, between the British Admiral Greaves and the French Admiral De Grasse, in the interest of the revolted States of America, 1781. The Chesapeake and Delaware, blockaded by the British in 1812. The American frigate of this name surrendered to the Shannon, British frigate, after a very severe action, June 2nd, 1813.

CHILLIANWALLAH, BATTLE OF.—In India.—This memorable and sanguinary battle, between the Sikh forces and the British, was fought January 13th, 1849. Lord Gough commanded. The Sikhs were completely routed, but the British also suffered severely: 26 officers were killed and 66 wounded, and 731 rank and file were killed and 1446 wounded. The loss of the Sikhs was 3000 killed and 4000 wounded. This battle was followed by the attack on the Sikh camp and the army under Sheere Shing, in its position at Goojerat (which see) February 21st, 1849.
