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CEDAR RAPIDS, CANADA.—Occupied by the Americans as a small fort in 1776. Taken by a detachment of the British army, and 500 Indians, under the celebrated Indian chief Brant, without firing a gun. The Americans sent to its support were captured after a severe engagement.

CENTURION.—From the Latin Centum a hundred. An officer who commanded 100 men in the Roman army. There were 6000 men in a legion, and hence sixty centurions. He was distinguished from the others by a branch of vine which he carried in his hand.

CEYLON.—Discovered by the Portuguese, A.D. 1505. Columbo, its capital, taken by the Dutch, in 1603, recovered in 1621; again taken 1656. Seized by the British 1795. Ceded to Great Britain by the Peace of Amiens in 1802. The British troops were treacherously massacred or imprisoned by the Adigar of Candy, June 26th, 1803. The complete sovereignty of the whole island taken by England in 1815.

CHÆRONEA, BATTLE OF.—Fought between the Athenians and Bœotians, B.C. 447. Another battle, and the great one of history, was fought here between the confederate army of Greece of 30,000, and that of the Macedonians, under Philip, amounting to 32,000, August 2nd, 338 B.C. Yet another battle was fought here between Archelaus, Lieutenant of Mithridates and Sylla, B.C. 86, when Archelaus was defeated and 110,000 Cappadocians slain.
