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CHATEAUGUAY.—Canada.—To effect a junction with the army of General Wilkinson, on October 26th, 1813, General Hampton, with 3500 men pushed forward from Lake Champlain towards Montreal. At the junction of the Ontario and Chateauguay Rivers, he there met 400 Canadians under Colonel de Salaberry, who most bravely disputed his advance. By skilful management and great bravery on the part of the Canadian officers, Viger and Doucet, the Americans were compelled to retreat towards Plattsburg. Their loss was considerable, while that of the Canadians was only two men killed and sixteen wounded. Gen. Hampton returned to Plattsburg, his army having dwindled away by sickness and desertion.

CHATILLON, CONGRESS OF.—Held by the four powers allied against France, February 5th, 1814, but the negociation for peace was broken off, March 19th following.

CHAUMONT, TREATY OF.—Between Great Britain, Austria, Russia and Prussia, March 1st, 1814. It was followed by the treaty of Paris, by which Napoleon abdicated, April 11th following.
