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CHAMBLY.—An important military post on the River Richelieu, Canada. It was often attacked by the Iroquois Indians. In 1775 it was captured by the Americans, but retaken in 1776. It is now a small military station.

CHARLEROI, BATTLES OF.—Great battles in several wars have been fought near this town; the chief in 1690 and 1794. (See Fleurus.) Besieged by Prince of Orange in 1672, and again invested by the same Prince, with 60,000 men, in 1677, but he was obliged to retire. Near to the place is Ligny—(which see)—memorable at the battle of Waterloo.

CHARLESTOWN.—Massachusetts.—Burnt by the British forces under General Gage, January 17th, 1775. English fleet here repulsed with great loss, June 28th, 1776. Taken by the British, May 7th, 1779.

CHARLESTON.—South Carolina.—Besieged by the British troops in March 1780, and surrendered in May 13th following, with 6000 prisoners. Evacuated by the British, April 14th, 1783. Famous during the wars of Secession. The South Carolina Convention assembled here, March 26th, 1861. A battle was fought here, and the rebels or Confederates defeated, August 19th, 1861, and after experiencing all the vicissitudes of war, it was evacuated February 17th, 1865, and next day surrendered to General Gilmore.
