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An umm-i-walad (or a female slave who has borne a child to her master), when emancipated, obtains the right of taking her child. (Hidāyah, vol. i. p. 389.)

When it is necessary to remove a boy from the custody of women, or there is no woman of his own people to take charge of him, he is to be given up to his agnate male relatives (ʿaṣābah). Of these the father is the first, then the paternal grandfather, how high soever, then the full brother, then the half-brother by the father, then the son of the full brother, then the son of the half-brother by the father, then the full paternal uncle, then the half paternal uncle by the father, then the sons of paternal uncles in the same order. But though a boy may be given up to the son of his paternal uncle, a girl should not be entrusted to him.

No male has any right to the custody of a female child, but one who is within the prohibited degrees of relationship to her; and an ʿaṣābah who is profligate has no right to her custody. (Fatāwā-i-ʿĀlamgīrī, vol. i. p. 729.)
