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In insects the head is larger in proportion to the trunk than in other classes, notably the Crustacea; the thorax is usually slightly or somewhat larger than the head, while the hind-body or abdomen is much the larger region, as it consists of ten to eleven, and perhaps in the Dermaptera and Orthoptera twelve, segments, and contains the mid- and hind-intestine, as well as the reproductive organs.

When we compare the body of an insect with that of a worm, in which the rings are distinctly developed, we see that in insects ring distinctions have given way to regional distinctions. The segments lose their individuality. It is comparatively easy to trace the segments in the hind-body of an insect, as in this region they are least modified; so with the thorax; but in the head of the adult insect it is impossible to discover the primitive segments, as they are fused together into a sort of capsule, and have almost entirely lost their individuality.

In general it may be said that the head contains or bears the organs of sense and of prehension and mastication of the food; the thorax the organs of locomotion; and the abdomen those of reproduction.
