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Image 14: Origin and development of general (private and public) victim support services. Source: Victim Support Europe (2018)

Image 15: Victim support; European standards

In 1990 in Stockholm, Sweden, Victim Support Europe declared 22 February to be the European Day for Victims of Crime to raise awareness of help and support of victims as well as their relatives. Today, there are specific international and European days for specific victimisations (violence against women, terrorist victimisation, sexual victimisation, road traffic violence etc.)ssss1.

Image 16: European Day of Victims of Crime. Source: https://victimsupport.scot

According to Victim Support Europessss1 (VSE), established in 1990, this organisation promotes the establishment and development of victim rights and services throughout Europe. The organisation aims to ensure that every victim in Europe and worldwide can access information and support services in the aftermath of a crime, regardless of where the victim lives or where the crime took place and regardless of whether or not the crime is reported to the police. Victim Support Europe also works to ensure that victims are respected, have access to other rights and can make their voice heard throughout the criminal justice process. VSE supports the development of victim support services that are: free of charge; confidential; victim-centred; independent; accessible throughout Europe; tailored to meet the individual needs of the victim; and delivered by trained and qualified staff/volunteers. Victim Support Europe monitors and influences the adoption of EU legislation and policies that impact the rights of victims of crime.
