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• strengthening the international dimension of victims’ rights.

The EU Strategy mentions the promotion of victim support organisations to “engage with national authorities, including judicial and law enforcement authorities, and participate in mutual training activities”.

1.1.1. Some remarks on the major milestones in Spain’s history of victim activism and policy defining the development of its victim rights and servicesssss1

On the major milestones in Spain’s history of victim activism and policy defining the development of its victim rights and services, five points can be highlighted:

1) The movement of victims of terrorism that fostered the first national legislation on compensation for victims in the 1980s (also influenced by the 1983 Council of Europe Convention; see the 4th additional provision of the 21/1986 Act, of December 23, on the Spanish budget for 1987).

2) The 35/1995 Act for the provision of aid and assistance to victims of violent crimes and sexual offences (following the 1983 Council of Europe Convention).
