Читать книгу I Congreso Internacional de trabajo social digital. del 28 al 30 de septiembre de 2020 онлайн

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– Universal Healthcare in the Philippines,

– Neuroscience for understanding negativity and confirmatory biases,

– Global data regarding decreased rates of global poverty, vaccines for infectious diseases, etc.,

– Mobile technology for health, & influences of media stories including information that makes the press and frames the story.

In this very interactive and busy week 134 students and ten faculty from three CHSS departments participated. Some activities that students accomplished comprised of completing 1,318 FlipGrid videos. Students also viewed 11,685 videos. This IPE weeklong assignment involved more than 632 hours of interdisciplinary engagement.

Many of the 132 students expressed how collaboration with nursing, social work, and public health was key to making lives and communities healthy. Students stated that using technology can aid in providing interdisciplinary professional education for online graduate students.


Participants will learn how to create an online learning environment utilizing a video tool (Flipgrid) to engage students of different cultures and disciplines in group discussion. Participants will evaluate a method of encouraging the exchange of ideas among online student from different disciplines.
