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9 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/02/120228102013.htm https://www.planet-wissen.de/natur/sinne/riechen/riechen-wissenschaftsstreit-100.html (retrieved 04/06/21)


The initial stem cells that form this new person have a huge gene pool to draw on, and represent the incredible potential that life offers this new human being. It now depends on what of it is used and what remains fallow. We are by no means ‘genetically determined’, as the usual materialistic idea of what it means to be human wants us to believe, but ‘relationships and lifestyles control our genes’, as Joachim Bauer puts it. They are the memory of our body.10

Here at the beginning, this newly created human being is not an object. He is a subject who absolutely wants to live with his own life goals. He perceives, senses, feels, can consider information and acts appropriately within the framework of his possibilities, necessities and needs.11

Because the egg cell initially provides it with the supply of all the vital materials it could need, a newly formed human being can develop and grow independently for between 6 to 10 days. It then embarks on a journey through the uterus and, once it has settled in one place, it sends messenger chemicals to the maternal organism to create an immunological vacuum. It can then implant there and give rise to a placenta with an umbilical cord and an amniotic sac.
