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11 Chamberlain, David. (1988) Babies Remember Birth (Los Angeles, Tarcher). Republished in expanded 3rd edition as The Mind of Your Newborn Baby (Berkeley, North Atlantic Books, 1998)


I unconsciously identified with her fear and that is probably the reason why I don’t have children of my own and why I was happy when a girlfriend of mine who was pregnant had an abortion. I didn’t have a guilty conscience about it at the time.

Today I see things differently, just as I see many things differently in my life now. In one of my self-encounters (more about this method in the final chapter of this book) I was able, for myself, to dissolve this identification with my mother’s fear. I was able to say the following sentence loud and clear: ‘I want my mum to be happy that she is pregnant with me and that I exist!’ This has given me back a piece of my original joy of life. And made my feelings of guilt disappear, the feeling I had of being a burden to her. And it lifted the feelings of shame I had about being there. Now, today, I love the fact that I am here, I love being here in the world and I love being alive.
