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This relationship between a mother and her child is one of existential depen-dency and so it has to be based on love in order for the life journeys of these two people to continue in a positive way. Otherwise it becomes a never-ending torment for both sides, for the mother as well as for the child, from which they can usually only get out with therapeutic support.

The relationship with our own mother is the first love relationship that every human being has. From the beginning of its life, the child is full of love for its mother. This love is a primal instinct and it is focused on physical-emotional contact with our own mother. Already in the womb the child builds up a loving relationship with its mother and looks forward to getting to know her better after birth.

For the child, there is nothing more important at this early stage of its life than the relationship with its mother. She is his world. If the mother is well, the child in her womb is also well. If the mother suffers, the child suffers too. If the mother is suicidal, for example, the child’s life is also in great danger.
