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Unborn children and newly born babies are extremely small and weak compared to adults. They are so vulnerable and need a lot of care and protection, otherwise they will not survive. Therefore, from the very beginning, every human being has a great existential need to be unconditionally accepted, loved and protected by their mother. This need for love is matched by their enormous capacity for love towards their mother.


Our ability to love and our need for love are part of the essential basic conditions of our humanity. We humans reproduce sexually. All human children are born in their mother’s womb and grow up in it for most of the first year of their lives.12 Therefore, love for our own mother and the desire for her love are part of the central human condition. Just as it is the nature of birds to have wings, it is the nature of us humans to be able to love and to want and to have a need to be loved. These are our emotional wings.

9. Motherly Love must be Tangible
