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27 Müller-Münch, I, (2012). Die geprügelte Generation. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta Verlag. (‘The Beaten Generation’ has not been translated into English).


it could end at any moment. Beginning one’s life in the body of a mother who is not very alive herself or who does not want to live at all is probably the root cause of all depression.

In these kinds of situations, the child is forced to fend for itself far too early. The child is completely overwhelmed and has to split off all the vast potential for love that it has, including shutting off the love it has for itself. Because the child’s mother does not love herself, she cannot answer the love the child gives her or the child’s need for love from her. The child gets into an existential predicament and has to try to survive in a traumatised (or in other words split) state, already during pregnancy.

21. Traumatising Birth Processes

Directly because of this desperate prenatal situation, the birth process also becomes a traumatising experience for many children. Mothers who do not really want children often do not cooperate sufficiently with the child in their journey out of the womb during the birth process. Caesarean sections, ventouse births, forceps births or rapid labour and precipitate delivery are often the consequences. Such births are a terrible experience for the mothers as well as for their children, which they both prefer to suppress and split off immediately. There is also hardly anyone, mother or child, who properly acknowledges the extent to which the birth process was a traumatising experience. Such violent forms of birth are now considered the norm and therefore not worth mentioning. In any case, conventional medicine, which is predominantly technology-oriented and materialistically-driven, has little understanding of the psychological processes that are at play when medical interventions are carried out. For them, there is only the body pure and simple. Some doctors even doubt that there is a psyche with an I, will and consciousness in this body.
