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1.3 5G Technology and AI Applications

Those advances mentioned in the above have changed internet to mobile internet. Internet means computer‐to‐computer communication. Mobile internet means mobile computer (cell phone)‐to‐mobile computer communication. At this moment, the rapid advances in 5G and AI require Moore’s law to keep going ahead for at the least another 10–20 years, but Moore’s law is ending.

In human civilization, the technique of communication has advanced step‐by‐step slowly from language, written words, printing, telephone and telegraph, television, internet, and now to mobile internet. Today, the advanced communication technology behind mobile internet is defined as 5G, with a standard of certain required performance. ssss1 shows the drawing of a flower, which has six petals. There are two sets of petals: the inner brighter ones and the outer darker ones. The latter represents 5G technology and the former represents 4G technology. Each petal defines a specific technical requirement, as shown in ssss1. For example, on point‐to‐point latency of signals, it was 10 ms in 4G and about 1 ms in 5G. If we can advance the required performance beyond the petals of 5G, it will be 6G.

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