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In the first centuries of the Christian era, with the growing influence of the new religious movements, and especially of Christianity, several important changes can be observed in the form of prayersLobrede and eulogies.

(a) In the classical examples, the tu anaphoraAnaphertu-Anapher, as far as I know, was used exclusively in eulogies. Now, it appears in other contexts, very often in the supplicatiosupplicatio, as in PrudentiusPrudentius’ hymnHymne ‘Ales diei nuntius’:13

Tu, Christe, somnum disice,

Tu rumpe noctis vincula,

Tu solve peccatum vetus,

Novumque lumen ingere.

This use continued during the Middle Ages; as an example I quote some verses from Thomas AquinasThomas v. Aquin’ ‘LaudaLauden, Sion, Salvatorem’:14

Tu nos pasce, nos tuere,

Tu nos bona fac videre …

As further evidence that the tu anaphoraAnaphertu-Anapher has enlarged its function there appears a new form, unknown to the Greek and Roman tradition; its characteristic feature is the expression of convergent adoration, emanating either from different organs of a single human being, or from a community, or else from all rational beings. The following example of the first case is taken from St. Ambrose’sAmbrosius, hl. hymn ‘Deus creator omnium’:15
