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Te cordis ima concinant,

Te vox sonora concrepet,

Te diligat castus amor,

Te mens adoret sobria …

Of the second case, the repeated expression of convergent adoration of a community, the most famous example is the beginning of the ‘Gloria’ of the mass: Laudamus te, benedicimus te, adoramus te … I found another very early example in a prayeLobreder recorded by Lactantius;16 it is the hymnHymne which Emperor LiciniusLicinius (Kaiser) ordered his troops to sing before the battle against Maximinus DaiaMaximinus Daia (A. D. 313):

Summe Deus, te rogamus,

Sancte Deus, te rogamus,

Omnem iustitiam tibi commendamus,

Salutem nostram tibi commendamus,

Imperium nostrum tibi commendamus;

Per te vivimus,

Per te victores et felices existimus;

Summe sancte Deus,

Preces nostras exaudi;

Bracchia nostra ad te tendimus.

The hymnHymne ‘Te Deum laudamus’ presents a transfition from this second form to the third, in which the entire creation or the entire Christian universe joins in the adoration:

Te Deum laudamus, te dominum confitemur,
