Читать книгу Gesammelte Aufsätze zur romanischen Philologie – Studienausgabe. Herausgegeben und ergänzt um Aufsätze, Primärbibliographie und Nachwort von Matthias Bormuth und Martin Vialon онлайн
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Ante tuae matrisque parens: quem misit ab astris
Aequaevus genitor verbumque in semina fusum
Virgineos habitare sinus et corporis arti
Iussit inire vias parvaque in sede morari
Quem sedes non ulla capit; qui lumine primo
Vidisti quidquid mundo nascente crearas;
Ipse opifex, opus ipse tui, dignatus iniquas
Aetatis sentire vices, et corporis huius
Dissimiles perferre modos hominemque subire
Ut possis monstrare deum, ne lubricus error
Et decepta diu varii sollertia mundi
Pectora tam multis sineret mortalia saeclis
Auctorem nescire suum …
This fusion of Greek antitheticAntithese rhetoricRhetorik with the paradoxes of the Christian faith has become one of the basic elements not only of mediaeval Christian poetry, but of the entire poetical language in Europe. In DanteDante’s prayerLobrede, some of the formulas of the Laus Christi appear almost verbatim: figlia del suo figlio, suo fattore non disdegnò di farsi sua fattura.
(c) A third important change in the content of the eulogies is revealed in the continuation of the same ‘Laus Christi’; this second part is composed in tu anaphorasAnaphertu-Anapher: