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(b) Another change concerns not the form, but the substance of all kinds of eulogies, not only those introduced by the tu anaphoraAnaphertu-Anapher. Greek philosophy and rhetoricRhetorik fused with the very intense and manifold religious movements of the first centuries after Christ; the eulogies became abstract and metaphoricalMetapher; they reflect the dogmatic controversies and the refinements of Greek figures of speech and thinking. ApuleiusApuleius’ prayeLobreder to Isis20 is purely rhetorical; NordenNorden, E. quotes the following (NeoplatonicNeuplatonismus) verses of TiberianusTiberianus (fourth century):

Tu genus omne deum, tu rerum causa vigorque,

Tu natura omnis, deus innumerabilis unus …21

This is a play with the antitheticAntithese concepts ‘one’ and ‘all’, presented in identically constructed members of sentences. In Christian poetry, the antithetic parallelism of Greek rhetoricRhetorik serves to express the fundamental paradoxes of faith: three and one, God and man, creator and creature, logos and flesh, sublime and humble, passion and glory, death and resurrection, mother and virgin, and so on. Indeed, there are dogmatic passages in the eulogies without antithetic turns of expression, such as the following:22
