Читать книгу Gesammelte Aufsätze zur romanischen Philologie – Studienausgabe. Herausgegeben und ergänzt um Aufsätze, Primärbibliographie und Nachwort von Matthias Bormuth und Martin Vialon онлайн
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Te conscia partus
Mater et attoniti pecudum sensere timores.
Te nova sollicito lustrantes sidera visu
In caelo videre prius, lumenque secuti
Invenere magi. Tu noxia pectora solvis
Elapsasque animas in corpora functa reducis
Et vitam remeare iubes. Te lege recepti
Muneris ad Manes penetras mortisque latebras
Immortalis adis. Nasci tibi non fuit uni
Principium finisque mori, sed nocte refusa
In caelum patremque redis rursusque perenni
Ordine purgatis adimis contagia terris.
Tu solus patrisque comes, tu spiritus insons,
Et toties unus triplicique in nomine simplex.
Some verses of this text seem to be much nearer to the mythical eulogies of Greek and Latin poetry, not only on account of the hexameters, but because there are events to be recorded. In sharp opposition to the Jewish God, Christ, by his incarnation, has an earthly history; so have the Virgin, the Apostles, and the Saints. The poet of ‘Laus Christi’ rather summarily records the most important features of Christ’s history: the nativity (with the adoration of the Magi), miracles, descent to Hell, and resurrection. He could have made a eulogy of Hercules in almost the same style.