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IN Case of Twins, or more Children, every one has its proper NAVEL-STRING; the chief Use of which is, to convey the Maternal Blood and nutritious Juices by the Veins to the Foetus, for its Aliment: The Arteries carrying back that which is unfit for this Use, to the Placenta; whilst the Fœtus is still supply’d with more by the Vein: So that there’s a continual Circulation, or Communication, between the Mother and her Infant.



CHAP. I. Of the SYMPTOMS peculiar to the State of MAIDEN-HOOD.


SUCH Distempers as are incident to this Sex in Childhood, are generally common to the Other; wherefore I shall take another Opportunity to treat of them more particularly, and conduct the Child, whether Male or Female, thro’ all the Indispositions, to which its tender Age, or flexile Nature, may subject it, from the Moment of Birth, until the Time of Puberty: At which Age, the more delicate Constitution of Females, takes a quite different Turn from That of the other Sex.

AT this Crisis, or Juncture of Time, the Imbecility of their natural Dispositions begins to display itself, by various and different SYMPTOMS; to which, some are more, and some less, expos’d from Henceforward; very few being altogether exempted from what is so peculiar to their State: Wherefore (in the first place) I shall undertake to lay down the Causes, the Symptoms, the Degrees of Danger, and the respective Methods of Curing such Diseases as are incident to Virgins: Which leads me previously to define the Virgin-State, in
