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HOWEVER, tho’ I must confess This to be a certain Sign of VIRGINITY, when it does appear; yet, if it don’t, the VIRGIN is not therefore to be suspected: especially if she be more adult, in which Case the Parts grow both larger and firmer, by the long Flux of the Menstrua; and consequently this Effusion cannot well be expected; neither can it be supposed in case of any violent Procatarctick or Primary Cause (and from That she can be no more secure, than another Person) which may break the Hymen, and dilate the Parts before Coition. But besides,

NEITHER can the Mosaical Law, nor the Customs of other Countries, imply any thing farther; than, that This is the indubitable Mark of VIRGINITY when it appears, without drawing any suspicious Consequences from its accidental Non-appearance: especially considering, that their VIRGINS married always very young, and commonly about the 12th or 13th Year of their Age; when they could scarce possibly be without some evident Effusion.

OTHERS will have the Astriction of the Vagina, to be a certain Sign of VIRGINITY; which, (tho’ I confess, is more astrict in VIRGINS, than in such as have copulated) I deny, to be any certain Sign: Since all know, That Part to differ (in this Point) according to Age, Habit, and other Circumstances of Body and Health: But besides, some astringent Medicines would also easily answer this End.
