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BUT, besides what is mention’d, there are many different external Methods propos’d by Authors[31], to distinguish a Real, from a Supposititious VIRGIN: Which however I shall not enter upon, lest what I have intended for the Benefit of All in general, might tend to the Detriment of some in particular. And thus having briefly described the MAIDEN and MAIDEN-HEAD, I come now to treat of such Indispositions, as are either Peculiar, or more Familiar to her STATE. And, First, in order

CHAP. III. Of the Virgin-Disease, commonly called the GREEN-SICKNESS.


THIS Malady is an Indisposition visibly discolorating the Complexion, and nothing else, but a Complication of divers Diseases and Symptoms: Wherefore it is variously represented and taken, sometimes for a Disease, and sometimes for a Symptom.

BE that as it will; it is so Familiar, or rather Peculiar to Mature VIRGINS, that most Physicians call it the Virgin-Disease, or Virgin-Fever; as others call it Febris Alba, or pale Fever: Not that it is always join’d with a Fever; but because the affected Party represents (in most Respects) a Feverish Person, by the Celerity and Frequency of Her Pulse, &c.
