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A little beyond that Rocke, I saw the three Iles Tremiti: The chiefest whereof is called Teucria, but they are vulgarly called the Iles of Diomedes, who was King of Etolia. They are right opposite to Mount Gargano, now called Mount S. Angelo.Saint Angelo, and distant from the maine land of Apulia in Italy about nine miles.

This Mount Saint Angelo standeth in Apulia, bending in the Sea with a large promontore, it is in compasse ninety miles? Neare to this Mountaine, was that great battell fought, betweene Hanniball and the Romanes: the overthrow fell to the Romanes, under the conduct of Paulus Æmilius, and other Consuls, of whom were slaine fourty two thousand and seven hundred; And if Hanniball had followed this victory, he had easily that day subdued the common-wealth of Rome: which made Maharball Captaine of his horse-men rebuke him thus, Vincere scis Hanniball victoria uti nescis.

Thou canst o’recome thy foes in bloody fight,

But can not use the victory aright.

The like said Cæsar of Pompey, when he lost the first battell they fought at Pharsalia in Greece; O Pompey, Pompey, If thou hadst knowne how to have used the [II. 51.]victory, as thou hadst it, thou mightest have beene this day Lord of the whole World.
