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By the way, I recall the great kindnesse of that Dalmatian Maister, for offering my condition, I found him more then courteous, and would have no more but the halfe of that, which was his bargaine at Venice. Besides [II. 48.]this, he also entertained me three dayes, with a most bountifull, and kind acceptance: My solitary travelling he oft bewailed, wishing me to desist, and never attempt such a voyage; but I giving him absolute, and constant answers, appeased his imagined sorrow.

Ignorance and Sloth.True it is, that ignorance and sloth, make every thing terrible unto us, and we will not, because we dare not, and dare not, because we will not: This makes us submit our selves to any thing, that doth either flatter or threaten us: And like some sottish weakelings, that give the reines of their governement into the hands of their Wives or Servants, thinking then they buy their peace when they sell it; thus doe they grow upon us, I meane ignorance and sloth, and by composition, not force, become masters of the place, being just so strong, as we are weake. And as contrary newes delivered at one time, maketh one to heare with joy, and remember with sorrow; even so an unresolved man, in high and heroyicke designes, though seeming forward is distracted here, set on feare there, and rent asunder every where with the flashing frights of desperation: But a constant resolution can couragiously support all things; Ubicunque homo est, ibi beneficio locus est. And congratulating this Skippers courtesie, I bad farewell to his councell.
