Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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From auncient worth: Arcadia poore and shent:

Our gulfe Lepanto, the Ætolian hight,

And all these coasts, till Candy come in sight.

After my returne from Padua to Venice & 24. days attendance devasted there for passage, I imbarked in a Carmoesalo, being bound to Zara Novo in Dalmatia: Scarcely had we lost the sight of Venice, but we incountred with a deadly storme at Seroco e Lenante. The Master had no compasse to direct his course, neither was he expert in Navigation; because they use commonly, either on the South or North sides of the Gulfe, to hoise up sayles at night, and againe breake of day they have full sight of land; taking their directions from the topped hills of the maine continent. The tempest increasing, and the winds contrary, we were constrained to seeke up for the Port of Parenzo in Istria.

Istria was called Giapidia, according to Pliny; Cato affirmeth it was called Istria of one Isiro, but by the moderne writers, l’ultima Regione di Italia. By Ptolomeus it is sayd to be of length 100. miles, and forty large, but by mine experience onely 80. long and 20. large.
