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This Citty is seven miles in compasse, and from so base an abject beginning, it is growne (as it were) to be the chiefe bulwarke of Europe: The Duke of this Adriatick Queene, espouseth the sea, every Ascension day, by casting a golden ring into it. Which Stultitious ceremony by Pope Alexander the third was graunted, when he fled to Venice for succour, being persecuted by Fredericke Barbarossa: And the Venetians vanquishing Otho the Emperours sonne, restored the Pope, and for a reward, was honoured with this espousall.

The length of the Territory of Venice in Lombardy, lying along the foote and South side of the Alpes, amounteth to sixe score five miles: The breadth whereof in the planure is narrow, but stripeth larger among the hills and lakes, and very populous.

[I. 41.]The applauding Italian sayth, that Europe is the head of the World, Italy the face of Europe, and Venice the eye of Italy; and indeed, it is the strongest, and most active part of that powerfull body: Whereby it would appeare, that in the last subversion of the latter The Venetians are sprung of the Romans.Monarchy, the Romane Genius made a Pythagoricall transmigration into Venice; whose peace hath procured the plenty, and whose warres the peace of all Christendome. The lawes of this City permit not the younger sonnes of the best Gentry to marrie, least the number increasing should deminish the dignity: Yet neverthelesse they permit them unlawfull pleasures, and for their sakes allow publicke stewes. The Jewes here, and in Rome, weare red, and yellow hats for notice sake, to distinguish them from others: which necessary custome (would to God) were enjoyned to all the Papists here in England, so should we easily discerne them from the true Christians. And finally, to discourse upon the provision of their magnificent Arsenall, Artillery, Munition and Armor, the division of streetes with channels, the innumerable bridges of stone and timber, their accustomable kind of living, apparell, curtesies, and conventions; and finally, the glory of Gallants, Galleries, Gallies, Galleasses and Gallouns, were a thing impossible for me briefly to relate. Wherefore since the situation thereof, and the decorements of their beautifull Palaces, are so well knowne, and their generall customes by the better sort, I desist, concluding thus; this incomparable mansion is the onely Paragon of all Cities in the World.
