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I commend the devotion of Venice and Genua, beyond all the other Cities of Italy; for the Venetians have banished the Jesuites out of their Territories and Ilands: A comparison of Jewes and Jesuits.And the Genueses have abandoned the society of Jewes, and exposed them from their jurisdiction. The Jewes and the Jesuites are brethren in blasphemies; for the Jewes are naturally subtill, hatefull, avaritious, and above all the greatest calumniators of Christs name: and the ambitious Jesuites, are flatterers, bloudy-gospellers, treasonable tale-tellers, and the onely railers upon the sincere life of good Christians. Wherefore I end with this verdict, the Jew and the Jesuite, is a Pultrone and a Parasite.



Now step I o’re the gulfe, to th’ Istrian shoare,

Dalmatia, Slavonia, Ilyria, more,

[II. 44.]Valona, Albana, Epyre in Greice,

And Morea fat, where Jason hurt his fleece:

The Adriatick, and Ionean Iles,

And Lesinaes great monster; Athens styles;

With Lacedemon sackt, and Sparta rent
