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Cut fresh or stale light bread, either white or brown, into slices half an inch thick, place on tins, and bake slowly in a moderate oven until browned evenly throughout. Care should be taken not to scorch the bread. It should not be put into an oven that is merely warm. It should be baked, not simply dried. The common method of toasting merely the outside of the bread by holding it over a fire is not the most wholesome way of preparing toast. When properly made, it will be crisp throughout. Zwieback may be prepared in quantity and kept on hand for use. It furnishes a good article of diet, especially for dyspeptics, eaten dry, or with milk or cream.



Scald one cupful of milk in double boiler, then add one teaspoonful of cornstarch, mixed with a little cold water; stir until it thickens. Cook about ten minutes, then add one teaspoonful of butter, one-fourth teaspoonful of salt, and pour it over six slices of zwieback, previously moistened with hot water or milk.