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Pelham dropped his knife and fork. Barbara looked up with interrogation and alarm in her eyes.

“I am sorry to say that the child is dangerously ill. I have been obliged to consult Williamson. He thinks badly of the case. All depends on the next few days, but at the present moment his life hangs in the balance.”




Late in the afternoon of that same day, Barbara Evershed called at 12 Ashley Mansions.

“How is Sir Piers?” she asked of the servant who opened the door.

“Very ill, miss.”

“Is Mrs. Pelham at home?”


The man knew Barbara, and invited her to enter.

“I am quite sure Mrs. Pelham will be glad to see you, Miss; she has mentioned your name once or twice to-day.”

“I will find her myself,” said Barbara; “don’t come up-stairs.”

The girl ran quickly up the richly carpeted stairs, and a moment later knocked at a door. A voice said “Come in,” and she entered.

Mrs. Pelham started up when Barbara appeared.

“Oh, I am glad to see you,” she exclaimed. “Come over here, sit down near me. Have you heard the—the news?”
