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“Oh, he heard my voice; he wants me. Do—do, nurse, let me go to him—please, nurse.”

“I cannot,” said the nurse. “Stay where you are for a moment. I will go back to him.”

She reentered the room and said something to the child which Barbara could not hear, and returned.

“You cannot see the boy—I have Dr. Tarbot’s orders. Now please go away. I must return to him immediately.”

As the woman spoke she went back to the sick-room and shut the door in Barbara’s face. Just for a moment the girl lingered on the landing, then a resolved expression filled her eyes.

“You will not let me in without Dr. Tarbot’s permission. Then I will go and obtain it,” she said aloud. “I will see Piers, come what may.”

She ran down-stairs. Mrs. Pelham met her on the landing.

“Well?” she said eagerly. “Did you see him? What did you think of him? Was the nurse very unpleasant? Oh, Barbara dear, I shall go mad if nothing is done! Oh, if I could only get that woman out of the house!”

“She seems a good and capable nurse,” said Barbara. “Don’t get too nervous, please, Mrs. Pelham. The boy is ill, and I should like beyond anything to be with him. No, dear, she would not let me see him. He heard me, and called me, the darling; but she would not let me in. I have made up my mind, however. I am going straight off now to get Dr. Tarbot’s permission. If he says I may see Piers, it will be all right.”
