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“That’s splendid, Barbara! Do go at once. It is so queer that the only person who is allowed freely to see the dear little fellow is Dick. Dr. Tarbot does not mind Dick being with him, nor does the nurse, and Dick calls every day. He will be here soon. It is the greatest possible comfort to me to have the dear fellow about the house. He is almost like a son of my own. You know, dear, how much I have always loved him. Oh, and you are engaged to him, Barbara. Yes, I know; the report has reached me. He will be a husband in a thousand. I am glad you are going to be happy with him some day. Yes, when Dick comes he will sit with Piers, but he does not often come until late, and if you could be with the darling until Dick arrives I should not be nearly so anxious.”

“Well, hope for the best now, dear Mrs. Pelham. I will go off at once to see Dr. Tarbot.”

Barbara ran down-stairs. Ashley Mansions was within a stone’s throw of Harley Street. In less than five minutes she was standing on the steps of Dr. Tarbot’s house, and the door was immediately opened in answer to her ring. She asked if Dr. Tarbot was in.
