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“You ought to do what you please,” said Barbara.

“He is a very determined man, Barbara, and I dare not oppose him. It seems to me as if I had not the management of my own child, and it is hard, bitterly hard. Oh, I cannot believe that my darling is leaving me.”

“I don’t think it can be true,” said Barbara. She stood upright. All the happiness which had filled her eyes left them, and her face looked grave and older than her years.

“I don’t think God can mean little Piers to die,” she repeated. “I am sorry you do not like the nurse, for so much depends on nursing in cases of bad illness. May I go up to see Piers now, Mrs. Pelham?”

“Oh, my darling, I wish you would. I have a feeling that you can save him.”

“I shall only be too delighted to go and sit in the room and do anything the nurse says. I have always been fond of Piers. He has been like a little brother to me.”

“Barbara, I shall die if my only child is taken from me.”

“But he may be spared,” exclaimed Barbara eagerly. There was hope in her young voice.
