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The widow’s lips trembled, and her eyelids were red from weeping.

“The news about Piers?” said Barbara. “Oh, I don’t believe for a moment it is so bad. Dear Mrs. Pelham, don’t give way; try, try to bear up.” For the poor woman had suddenly flung her arms round Barbara’s neck and burst into a passion of convulsive weeping.

“He is dying!” she exclaimed. “He has such dreadful fainting fits. The doctors say that there is no hope. There were two of them here this morning. They say that in all probability little Piers will be dead before many days are over. Oh, Barbara, I am glad you have called. It seems a queer, wild thing to say, but I do believe you can save him.”

“I! What do you mean?” said Barbara, coloring vividly.

“He has been often asking for you and Dick—he loves you both so much. Do you know, Barbara, I have taken a most terrible dislike to that red-haired nurse?”

“Is she a trained nurse?”

“Yes, the one Dr. Tarbot insists on having. She belongs to his special staff. Sir Richard Spears, as well as Mr. Williamson, called to-day. I said something about having in a second nurse, but Dr. Tarbot said at once that it was not necessary.”
