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“Yes, Miss,” replied the footman.

“I want to see him immediately.”

The man invited her in.

“What name?” he asked.

“Say that Miss Evershed has called. Say also that my business is of an urgent nature.”

The man showed Barbara into the dining-room and withdrew. A moment later Tarbot entered the room. He came forward eagerly, his thin lips twitching, his eyes full of subdued light.

“To what am I indebted for this pleasure?” he began.

Barbara interrupted him.

“I want to ask you a great favor, Dr. Tarbot.”

“What is it?”

“I wish to sit up with little Piers to-night.”

On hearing these words the expression on Tarbot’s face altered.

“Are you mad?” he asked, looking full at the girl.

“No; I am sane.”

“Do you know anything whatever of nursing?”

“I don’t want to nurse—there is a professional nurse to do that. I want to stay with the child, to hold his hand, to be with him. It is unkind to leave him with strangers.”

“Miss Evershed,” said Tarbot suddenly, “I would do much for you, you know that.” The look in the doctor’s eyes became eager, and Barbara shrank towards the door.
