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Barbara said nothing. Her first impulse was to go straight home to her mother, but thoughts of Piers and of the benefit she might do him caused her to change her mind. She walked quickly back to Ashley Mansions with the surgeon, neither of them speaking a word.

Mrs. Pelham was waiting by the drawing-room door.

“It is all right,” said Barbara, nodding to her. “Dr. Tarbot will allow me to stay with Piers to-night.”

“Thank God!” answered Mrs. Pelham. “I am greatly obliged to you, doctor, for this. Barbara, dear, Dick is up-stairs. He arrived almost immediately after you left. There seems to be some commotion in the sick-room. I heard steps hurrying about, but I am too frightened to go and inquire. Go and tell me quickly if anything is wrong.”

Barbara nodded, and the girl and the doctor went up-stairs. When they reached the threshold of the room Tarbot turned and looked full at Barbara.

“Say that you forgive the impulse which came over me half an hour ago.”

Barbara hesitated; then her words came out, very low.
