Читать книгу Английские легенды / The English Legends онлайн

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impossible – невозможный

misfortune – несчастье

move – шевелиться

noise – шум

pocket – карман

shoulder – плечо

sigh – вздохнуть

sovereigns began to come raining down – соверены посыпались дождем

word – слово

* * *

As soon as he said these words the sovereigns began to come raining down. They fell on his head, his shoulders, his arms; they fell all over his body. He tried to get to the door, but the rain of gold made it impossible. Soon the gold covered all his body. He couldn't move, and it still rained. At last the floor could bear the weight no longer, and the goldsmith and the gold fell into the cellar.

When the neighbours heard the terrible noise, they came running and broke open the door. But they were too late. The greedy goldsmith was already dead.

So they sighed and said,

“What a misfortune it is to have so much money!”

And they all put in their pockets as much money as they could carry and went away.

* * *

Тем временем farmer вернулся домой и показал кольцо своей wife.

«Мы – счастливые people, – сказал он. – Но мы должны быть careful. Мы должны выбрать right желание».
