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ssss1.Informe específico del Defensor Centros de protección de menores con trastornos de conducta y en situación de dificultad social, Ed. Defensor del Pueblo, Madrid, 2009, pág. 403.

Asimismo, nos remitimos a la Recomendación Rec (2005)5 del Comité de Ministros del Consejo de Europa relativo a los derechos del niño que vive en instituciones, donde se refiere a los estándares de calidad que deben cumplirse: “To ensure the implementation of these principles and rights, the following guidelines and standards should be taken into account:– when circumstances allow, a placement should be selected which is as close as possible to the child’s environment and organised to allow parents to exercise their responsibilities and to maintain parent-child contact on a regular basis;– a small family-style living unit should be provided;– priority should be given to the physical and mental health of the child and his or her full, harmonious development as the essential conditions for the success of the care plan;– an individual care plan should be drawn up which is based on both the development of the child’s capacities and abilities and respect for his or her autonomy, as well as on maintaining contacts with the outside world and preparation for living outside the institution in the future;– conditions that allow continuity of the educational and proper emotional relationship between staff and the children, notably through the stability of the staff (continuous presence, avoiding staff transfers) are preferable;– all residential institutions should be accredited and registered with the competent public authorities on the basis of regulations and national minimum standards of care;– on the basis of these standards, an efficient system of monitoring and external control of residential institutions should be ensured;– relevant statistical data should be collected and analysed, and research for the purposes of efficient monitoring should be supported;– any infringements of the rights of children living in residential institution should be sanctioned in conformity with appropriate and effective procedures;– it should be recognised that apart from public institutions, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), religious organisations and other private bodies may play an important role concerning children living in residential institutions; this role should be defined by member states’ governments. Involving non-governmental bodies should not release member states from their obligations towards children in residential institutions that have been enshrined in this Recommendation, concerning in particular the establishment of appropriate standards, systems of accreditation and inspection by competent bodies”.
