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An overview of the sociolinguistic profile of Morocco will now be given, together with a description of the different dialects spoken in this country.
A sociolinguistic profile of Morocco
Morocco’s strategic situation at the cross road between Africa and Europe and its recent history of colonization is the dominant source for the Moroccan rich ethno-linguistic patrimoine. Though the original language was Berber and its varieties, today, Moroccan Arabic is the mother tongue of most Moroccans. Most accounts describe Morocco as a multilingual community where the majority of Moroccans speak at least two of the five co-existing languagesssss1, namely, Berber, Moroccan Arabic (MA), Classical Arabic (CA), French and Spanish. Berber is the language of the aboriginals of Morocco and of all Northern Africa as well, and the first contact of Moroccans with CA was through the conquest by the Arabs from the east in the 7th century A.D, and through the process of conversion to Islam. CA is today the official language of all Arab countries and it is used in press, in politic activities, in religious ceremonies and in educational programs. CA is the symbol of unity of all Arab countries and a highly esteemed language by Arabs especially Muslims who consider it as sacred for being the language of the Koran, ‘the eternal word of God’ as well as ‘a transcript of our eternal book, sublime and full of wisdom’(Dawood 1975, cit. in Gravel 1979: 83). As a natural evolution of CA, we find Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), which is used today in all Arab countries as a manifestation of progress and adaptation to the modern world where the coinage and use of technical and scientific terms is a must. To express this in terms of Youssi (1977), MSA is the language of argumentation and vulgarization of ideas pertaining to politics, science, medicine, technical procedures, theatre and sport. MSA is exclusively spoken by educated people and in the mass media. MSA shares the same syntax and morphology with CA though they differ with respect to lexis.