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She gives her child away for adoption immediately after birth?

She acts completely indifferent and cold towards her child?


She can’t stand its liveliness and can’t stand ‘children crying’?

She is completely occupied with housework and her job and has no time for her child?

She leaves her child behind to earn money abroad?

She puts the child in a crèche or another form of outside care so that she can go back to work immediately after the birth?

She continually gets into severe fights with her child and tortures and hurts them physically and emotionally?


The worst-case scenario for a child is when its mother tries to abort it. I know very many people who have survived one or more abortion attempts by knitting needle, with medication, hot baths, jumping from great heights, herbal infusions, etc. This leads to a very early psychological split in these children. Besides a seemingly bottomless pain, this also creates anger and hatred towards the mother. That such children survive an abortion attempt shows how much they have fought for their lives. Their unconditional will not to be killed saved them. Consciously realising later in life that their mother wanted to kill them is the worst truth there is. It takes great courage and a well-resourced and strengthened I to face the enormity of this truth and what it means.
