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Therefore, genuine healthy love relationships cannot be built on lies, deception and deceit. Love and truth are mutually dependent. From this basis comes the trust in any interpersonal relationship. Only on the basis of love does the security exist that we need in order to live together in a good and healthy way.

If a mother pretends to her child that she loves them, but the child does not feel this, then the child gets into an unsolvable conflict. What is the truth here? The child loves their mother, but does not feel her love in return, not in any concrete tangible terms. And so love becomes something difficult to comprehend and the child blames itself for this. They are apparently too stupid to recognise and appreciate their mother’s love. The child experiences themselves as unworthy, there is not enough about them to be loved. They feel ashamed and guilty about their very existence.

It is also stressful for mothers to pretend that they love the child when this is not the case and they do not truly feel this in their body, for example because the child was born out of rape. They then cannot be honest about their emotions and feel the guilt that comes with that dishonesty. However, they definitely do not want to appear as a bad mother. They at least want to do better than their own mother.
