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18 https://youtu.be/apzXGEbZht0 (retrieved 15/07/21)

19 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solomon_Asch (retrieved 15/07/21)

20 https://youtu.be/NyDDyT1lDhA (retrieved 15/07/21)


Since the child loves his mother above all else, he will almost always go along with her opinion, even if it is obviously wrong. Young children cannot contradict their fathers either. Children then tend to think that they themselves are wrong. They are convinced that the fault lies with them - ‘there is something wrong with me’.

11. A Mother’s Love and the Formation of Our I

When a mother supports her child’s needs for autonomy, in a way that is appropriate to the age and situation, she promotes the child’s development of its own I. The development of a child’s own I is crucial in order:

To be able to distinguish itself from other people.

To become self-reflective and self-aware.

To gradually assume more and more responsibility for its own life.

If a child’s basic life needs are met by his mother and father, this person can remain in a state of love and be open to his own symbiotic needs as well as his desires for autonomy. He learns to differentiate between needs and desires. He knows better and better how to satisfy all of this himself. If there is unconditional acceptance of the child from his mother and father, in other words if the child does not have to be or achieve anything special, this then turns into unconditional self-love. This self-love is in turn the basis for love towards all other people. It gradually becomes a basic attitude in life.
