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in our relationship with our father and our siblings. Later, also in friendships, partnerships and if we ourselves become parents.


If, on the other hand, the relationship between the mother and child is a com-petitive relationship right from the start, (this may be because in the eyes of the mother the daughter or son is a disruptive factor in her life) then this becomes the basic relationship pattern that this child then has to carry around with them for the rest of their life. The imprinted message is that ‘I have to fight and assert myself so that I can be alive’. Children who have been in a primary relationship like this with their mother then have to painstakingly learn through therapy to detach themselves from this competitive fixation and to become a cooperative person who is at peace with themselves.

13. We and I

The more I am loved in a community, either the one to which I belong by birth or later in life the one I have chosen by my own free choice, the more I am at peace with myself and can be who I truly am. I am then happy to contribute to this community with all my abilities and talents. I help it to develop further and am there to help correct any undesirable developments. Every person can be the driving force for the development of another healthy person.
