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The splitting off of the part that is still trapped in the moment when the fear of death was real leads to the strategies of denial, avoidance, control and compen-

24 Ruppert, F. (2014) Trauma, Fear and Love. Green Balloon, UK.


sation that I systematically describe in my book ‘Splits in the Soul’.25 Going into a substitute state of fear can also be a trauma survival strategy to get away and distract from the real unbearable pain.


These split-off traumatic fears of death are a heavy weight to carry, and they can easily be triggered in everyday life, leading people to quickly become stressed. Their thinking becomes reduced, one-dimensional, narrow-minded, dogmatic, inflexible, reality-deflecting, obsessive and intellectual, because the psychological cognitive capacities are reduced to operating from only the cells of the left cerebral hemisphere and can no longer be used in a whole-body way. When operating from this level, people develop a specific form of intelligence to get through life, using self-delusion, deception and lies with no awareness that this is what they are doing.
