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Fear of death and abandonment are things that we, as humans, are particularly afraid of. Fear of death arises in situations where our life is directly threatened - for example, in the case of a serious accident or a direct attack on us. Fear of abandonment arises when we lose the protection of people who are important to us or a group without whose help we will inevitably die. This is especially true for children whose mothers are absent for long periods of time.


Loving mothers become highly alarmed when they see their children threatened. When their healthy maternal instincts are activated, they do everything they can to protect their child. In the animal kingdom, such reactions are clear to see, for example when a duck protects its young from a bird of prey.23

22 https://youtu.be/ebPoSMULI5U (retrieved 15/07/21)

23 https://youtu.be/A8v5Wm2xIb8 (retrieved 08/08/21)



When feelings of fear are present, anger, aggression and a readiness to fight easily develop as a consequence. If the threat situation persists for a long time, the fear cannot calm down. If there is no feeling of security, fear becomes a constant, subliminal companion and possibly a basic attitude in life. A lot of life energy is bound up in this fear, which could otherwise be used elsewhere. Such feelings of fear lead to obsessive, fixed thinking and leave us little ability to take reflected action. Chronic fear can become a seed of violence.24 Stressed people quickly attack their environment. Everything easily becomes too much for them and then they lash out blindly.
