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23 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 A large multi‐lobulated mass can be seen obliterating the left k...Figure 20.2 Operating room layout for laparoscopic ureteronephrectomy. Durin...Figure 20.3 Port positioning for laparoscopic multiport transperitoneal uret...Figure 20.4 Port position for the single port or “single‐port plus 1” techni...Figure 20.5 The vessel‐sealing device can be seen dissecting and sealing the...Figure 20.6 A pair of 10‐mm right‐angled laparoscopic forceps are positioned...Figure 20.7 Feline laparoscopic ureteronephrectomy. A vessel‐sealing device ...Figure 20.8 Laparoscopic hemoclips have been placed on the renal artery befo...Figure 20.9 In this feline laparoscopic ureteronephrectomy, the ureter has b...Figure 20.10 Laparoscopic hemoclips are being applied to the terminal portio...Figure 20.11 A completely dissected kidney is being placed into a specimen r...

24 Chapter 21Figure 21.1 (A) Open cystotomy on a male dog with a large cystic calculus. (...Figure 21.2 Radiograph of male dog with numerous large cystic and urethral c...Figure 21.3 Radiograph of a female dog with multiple small cystic calculi.Figure 21.4 Male dog in dorsal recumbency clipped for laparoscopic‐assisted ...Figure 21.5 Male cat in dorsal recumbency clipped for laparoscopic‐assisted ...Figure 21.6 Multipurpose rigid endoscope.Figure 21.7 Pediatric operating cystoscope.Figure 21.8 Flexible ureteroscope Flex XC.Figure 21.9 Flexible ureteroscope Flex X2.Figure 21.10 Five‐mm port with Luer lock (attached to suction tubing).Figure 21.11 Five‐mm Ternamian cannula.Figure 21.12 Stone basket (resterilizable).Figure 21.13 360° wound retractor device.Figure 21.14 Location of port position for the two‐port laparoscopic‐assiste...Figure 21.15 Location of port position for the percutaneous cystolithotomy o...Figure 21.16 Operating room set‐up for laparoscopic‐assisted cystotomy or pe...Figure 21.17 The bladder apex is grasped using laparoscopic Babcock forceps....Figure 21.18 The port incision is enlarged to create a mini‐laparotomy, and ...Figure 21.19 Complete cystopexy at the second cannula site.Figure 21.20 Larger uroliths can be grasped with forceps introduced next to ...Figure 21.21 A wound retraction device properly positioned in the abdomen.Figure 21.22 Threaded cannula inserted into the ventral apex region of the u...Figure 21.23 Calculi visible in the trigonal region of the urinary bladder i...Figure 21.24 Flexible ureteroscope entering the threaded trocar on the ventr...Figure 21.25 Cystoscopic image of a single large 7‐mm urethral calculus in a...Figure 21.26 Same patient in Figure 21.25. The urethral calculus has been di...Figure 21.27 Transurethral cystoscopic illumination of an apical bladder mas...

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